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CBD – So Many Forms of it to Consider – Some Answers

After learning more about what CBD is, it’s time to consider the many forms it can take. Much like other therapeutics, CBD comes in multiple forms, including drops, sprays, ingestibles, topical creams, and more. It’s important to understand the options available and choose the method of use that is most suitable for you. Sublingual CBD Method Research shows that the sublingual method is the most commonly reported method of CBD administration. Sublingual means “beneath your tongue”. Place the oil in your mouth – under your tongue &/or hold the oil in your cheeks & keep it there for 60-90 seconds, or as long as possible. This ensures more effective absorption.   

Ingesting CBD For those of you that want to know more about CBD – whether it’s the science or the business or the extraction or many other CBD industry subjects, you’ll be getting the best set of information that will help you with your needs.

HOW TO USE DELTA 8 THC Delta 8 THC has become the most discussed cannabis product on the market in recent months. In part because of claims that it has therapeutic benefits similar to CBD and “regular” THC without the intense psychoactive effects. And also in part because of the controversy surrounding its legality. Its popularity continues to grow as more Delta 8 products become available and based on testimonials from those who are using it for a variety of reasons. But what exactly is Delta 8 THC? How is it different than the more well-known cannabinoids CBD and THC? And is it even legal? What is Delta 8 THC? Delta 8 THC (short for delta 8 tetrahydrocannabinol) is one of over 100 cannabinoids that are produced naturally by the cannabis plant. Cannabinoids are the active compounds that come from both marijuana and hemp. They interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system to promote homeostasis, or overall balance and wellness. Each individual cannabinoid has unique properties, effects and potential therapeutic benefits. Unlike the better known cannabinoids CBD and Delta 9 THC (the technical name for the THC that most are familiar with), very little Delta 8 THC is produced by the plant itself. However, recent advancements in cannabis extraction and conversion processes have made it possible for pure Delta 8 THC to be isolated and made into products for consumers. Delta 8 THC can probably best be described as a less potent, more uplifting and clear-headed version of Delta 9 THC. The difference between Delta 8 and Delta 9 is very small from a scientific perspective. A double carbon bond exists in the 8th position of the molecular chain for Delta 8 versus the 9th position for Delta 9. Delta 8 vs Delta 9 THC Molecular Structure

IS DELTA 8 THC LEGAL? What are the Potential Benefits of Delta 8 THC? According to the National Cancer Institute, Delta 8 THC has antiemetic (reduces nausea), anxiolytic (reduces anxiety), appetite-stimulating, analgesic (pain-relieving) and neuroprotective properties. Based on the very limited research to date and feedback from current users, Delta 8 products may be an option worth considering for those: Seeking relaxation from a natural product that is more potent than CBD but less potent than THC Who have benefitted from using Delta 9 THC but don’t want the intense high or stoned feeling that comes with it

It’s highly recommended that you consult with your physician before using Delta 8, especially if you have medical conditions or take prescription medications. What Does the Research Say? Medical research into the benefits and effects of Delta 8 is still very scant. Much remains to be learned about Delta 8 and other cannabinoids from controlled human trials and research. Our review of research studies mentioning Delta 8 THC yielded only a few results.

Antiemetic (effective against vomiting and nausea) – In this 1995 study, Delta 8 THC completely prevented vomiting with negligible side effects in children who were being treated with cancer drugs. Reduced pain and inflammation – the topical application of Delta 8 THC and CBD reduced corneal pain and inflammation in this 2018 study conducted with mice.

The results supported reports noted by the researchers that activation of the endocannabinoid system may be analgesic (pain-relieving) and anti-inflammatory. Appetite stimulant – this 2004 study found that Delta 8 THC given to mice in very small doses caused “increased food consumption and tendency to improve cognitive function” without side effects. It led the researchers to conclude that a low dose of THC may be a “potential therapeutic agent in the treatment of weight disorders.


The 2018 Farm Bill which was signed into law in December 2018 explicitly legalized all derivatives and extracts from the hemp plant. To be legally classified as being from hemp, the levels of Delta 9 THC must be less than 0.3% on a dry weight basis. What remains unclear is the classification of Delta 8 THC not only in terms of the 2018 Farm Bill but also subsequent rules from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Specifically, it’s not clear whether Delta 8 THC should be treated as being synthetically-derived or classified the same as Delta 9 THC.


There is hope that there will be more definitive clarifications coming in 2021. In the meantime, users should be aware of its uncertain legal status. You should also know that your state and local laws may also be more restrictive. If you have concerns from a legal perspective, we recommend that you consult a local attorney.

Topical CBD Application CBD infused topicals are recommended to be used as other similar body care products – use it when you deem necessary or when you have certain skin conditions. Apply generously to body areas that could benefit from the topical solution. The CBD is absorbed through the dermal layers of the skin, and starts working minutes after it is applied.



 CBD for Pets Basic dosing rule for cats and dogs: 1-5 mg CBD for every 10 pounds of body weight. To control pain, give every 8 hours or as needed. For other uses, give once or twice a day. \ CBD Capsules Capsules typically offer 10-30mg of CBD in each pill, making it easy to keep track of daily serving sizes. Just like any other pill, swallow it with water for the best and easiest absorption. They are typically kept in bottles, and the soft coating makes them easy to go down.


CBD for Pets Basic dosing rule for cats and dogs: 1-5 mg CBD for every 10 pounds of body weight. To control pain, give every 8 hours or as needed. For other uses, give once or twice a day .CBD for Pets Basic dosing rule for cats and dogs: 1-5 mg CBD for every 10 pounds of body weight. To control pain, give every 8 hours or as needed. For other uses, give once or twice a day.



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Florida Hemp Council Meeting – Tomorrow – Thursday, February 4th, 2021



Hello all,

Please join the Florida Hemp Council on Thursday February 4th, 2021 at 4 pm.

The meeting will be held through Microsoft teams.

The meeting information is below and the agenda is attached.

Microsoft Teams meeting
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+1 850-391-8548,,439053254#   United States, Tallahassee, Florida
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FEBRUARY 4, 2021
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of previous meeting’s minutes
3. Discussion:
1. Chair Updates
2. Rule Developments
3. New Business
4. Public Comment
5. Adjourn


Inspirational Technologies

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Steven Smith, CEO Owner/Founder

Inspirational Technologies

Background Noise Studios

1st Hemp News USA


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The USDA Has Released Its Final Rule on Hemp Regulation

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced the final rule regulating the production of hemp in the United States.

The final rule incorporates modifications to regulations established under the interim final rule (IFR) published in October 2019. The modifications are based on public comments following the publication of the IFR and lessons learned during the 2020 growing season. The final rule is available for viewing in the Federal Register and will be effective on March 22, 2021.

“With the publication of this final rule, USDA brings to a close a full and transparent rule-making process that started with a hemp listening session in March 2019,” said USDA Marketing and Regulatory Programs Under Secretary Greg Ibach. “USDA staff have taken the information you have provided through three comment periods and from your experiences over a growing season to develop regulations that meet Congressional intent while providing a fair, consistent, science-based process for states, tribes, and individual producers. USDA staff will continue to conduct education and outreach to help industry achieve compliance with the requirements.” Shawn Hauser, partner and chair of the Hemp and Cannabinoids Department at Vicente Sederberg LLP

said, “The transition from prohibition to a legal and regulated system takes time, and USDA’s final rule is a historic step forward for hemp in the U.S. Many are justifiably disappointed by the DEA’s continued (and in some ways expanded) role in the agricultural hemp program, but there were also a number of positive improvements. The expanded harvest window, alternative disposal/remediation authorizations, and increase of the standard of negligence to 1% will be critical to building a successful hemp industry, and they indicate the USDA gave meaningful consideration to stakeholder’s comments. We are undoubtedly making progress, and we will continue to work with regulators and through Congress to perfect the regulatory structure for hemp.”

Key provisions of the final rule include licensing requirements; recordkeeping requirements for maintaining information about the land where hemp is produced; procedures for testing the THC concentration levels for hemp; procedures for disposing of non-compliant plants; compliance provisions; and procedures for handling violations.Last Friday, January 15th, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (the “USDA”) announced today’s publication of its hemp production final rule in the Federal Register, which will go into effect on March 22, 2021. This final rule builds on the interim final rule (the “IFR”) that was published on October 31, 2019. It includes revisions based on three public comment periods (you can read more on this issue here and here) but also takes into account “lessons learned from the 2020 growing season.” These new hemp regulations contain six key provisions, which include:

Licensing requirements; Recordkeeping requirements; Procedures for testing the THC level concentration in the hemp plant; Procedures for disposing of non-compliant hemp (i.e., hemp that exceeds acceptable THC threshold); Compliance provisions; and Procedures for handling violations. The most significant revisions made to the IFR pertain to the procedures for testing the THC concentration and those for disposing of non-compliant hemp.

Below are the highlights. 1. Time of sample collection The USDA agreed with the concerns expressed by commenters regarding the burden of imposing harvest within 15 days of sampling. As a result, the federal agency extended the window within which hemp must be harvest to 30 days following sampling. 2. Sampling method a. Where to sample from the plant The Final Rule maintains the requirement that pre-harvest samples be taken from the flower material of hemp plants. The industry will be disappointed with this decision; many were advocating that samples should be taken from the “whole plant.” Fortunately, the Final Rule does provide more information than the IFR on where to cut the plant material. Specifically, the Final Rule provides that a cut should be made 5 to 8 inches from (1) the “main stem” (includes leaves and flowers, the (2) “terminal bud (occurs at the end of the stem), or (3) the “central cola” (cut stem that has the potential of developing into a bud) of the flowering top of the plants. According to the USDA, this new standard strikes an appropriate balance between the need to collect a sufficiently large portion of the plant’s flower (where THC and other cannabinoids are their most concentrated), and the need to avoid cutting a portion that is so large that it would be logistically difficult to transport, dry, and prepare for lab testing. b. Sampling agents The USDA is working on publishing additional training resources for sampling agents to help ensure consistency in the manner in which samples are collected nationwide. 3. Acceptable THC threshold The Final Rule maintains the total THC limit, which is the sum of the delta-9-THC (“THC”) and THC-acid (“THCA”) content. As we have repeatedly discussed on this blog, the total THC limit is problematic because this testing method tends to increase the THC concentration in the hemp sample, making it difficult not to exceed the allowed threshold. Moreover, because few hemp genetics currently on the market would comply with a total THC testing method, this rule forces producers to carefully select the types of seeds they buy from a limited sample. 4. Negligence threshold Hemp producers are required to dispose of plants that exceed the acceptable THC level. Nevertheless, if the plant tests at or below the newly adopted 1% negligence threshold (the USDA increased it from 0.5%, thankfully), then producers will not have committed a negligent violation. Note that the Final Rule limits the maximum number of negligent violations that a producer can receive in a growing season to one. 5. Registration with DEA The Final Rule maintains the requirement that all hemp testing laboratories be registered with the DEA. However, due to the limited number of DEA-registered labs to test anticipated hemp produced in 2020 and possibly in 2021, the USDA has convinced the DEA to further delay enforcement of this requirement until January 1, 2022 (the original delay extended to October 31, 2020, or the publication of this Final Rule). The USDA continues to argue that this requirement is needed because labs could potentially receive hemp that exceeds the authorized 0.3% THC threshold (i.e., marijuana). 6. Non-compliant hemp disposal The Final Rule affords alternative disposal methods that do not require the use of a DEA-registered reverse distributor or law enforcement. These alternative disposal methods can be found here. 7. State and tribal plan approval Lastly, the Final Rule addresses the potential need for states and tribes to revise and resubmit for approval their plans in order to align with the requirements imposed under the Final Rule. The Final Rule also stipulates that states may continue operating under the 2014 Farm Bill until January 1, 2022. While this option will further delay the establishment of a uniform national hemp program, it will afford states more time to revise their plans and regulations and prepare growers to comply with the Final Rule, which is a good thing.

Hemp will change the way we look at our new 🌎.

__ In sum, the Final Rule contains improved regulations that suggest another step towards full implementation of the 2018 Farm Bill. Nevertheless, regulations such as the testing of hemp plants using DEA-registered labs are bound to cause more headaches for the industry. This is a shame given the numerous challenges with which hemp stakeholders have been faced for the past two years. At this point, all we can wish for is that the Biden administration, including incoming Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, will promptly tackle the lingering issues that may further hinder the growth and development of this promising industry.

Inspirational Technologies

Inspirational Technologies For more information on Hempsmart CBD Product Line Double Click On Story Steven Smith, CEO Owner/Founder Inspirational Technologies Background Noise Studios 1st Hemp News USA AllRightsReserved2021

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Cannabosides – Cannabis Global Files Patent on Animal-Based Cannabosides

Cannabis Global, Inc.: Cannabis Global Files Patent on Animal-Based Cannabosides – A New Form of Animal Processed Cannabinoids for Food and Beverages

Cannabis Global, Inc.: Cannabis Global Files Patent on Animal-Based Cannabosides – A New Form of Animal Processed Cannabinoids for Food and Beverages LOS ANGELES, CA /

Cannabis Global, Inc. (OTC PINK:CBGL), an innovation-oriented company investing in disruptive cannabis and hemp-related technologies

/ January 19, 2021 / Cannabis Global, Inc. (OTC PINK:CBGL), an innovation-oriented company investing in disruptive cannabis and hemp-related technologies, today announces the filing of a new patent on a unique method to produce water-soluble cannabinoids. The patent announced today relates to a composition comprising one or more cannabosides and a method of producing one or more cannabosides. In particular, by feeding an insect a cannabinoid and harvesting the insect, excluding honey bees, to improve aqueous solubility and stability of cannabinoids. The patent claims coverage of both the process to create the compounds, and the use of the compounds in foodstuffs and pharmaceutical preparations. Cannabinoids are basically oil and thus hydrophobic, meaning these don’t mix well with water. Of course, the human body is mainly made of water. In the most simple of terms, this issue of cannabinoids being oils and our bodies being made mostly of water presents a significant challenge relative to formulation and delivery for the cannabis and pharmaceutical industries. “Our corporate research program was specifically designed to address issues relating to the absorption of cannabinoids,” commented Arman Tabatabaei, CEO of Cannabis Global. “The results have been the filing of three patents on cannabinoid delivery technologies, two of which specifically address using life forms to process and alter cannabinoids. We believe what we have invented represents a new form of cannabinoids processing with a host of positive implications for cannabinoid delivery in foods, beverages and pharmaceuticals.”

Inspirational Technologies

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Steven Smith, CEO Owner/Founder
Inspirational Technologies
Background Noise Studios
1st Hemp News

Inspirational Technologies For more information on Hempsmart CBD Product Line Double Click On Story Steven Smith, CEO Owner/Founder Inspirational Technologies Background Noise Studios 1st Hemp News AllRightsReserved2021

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Marijuana Company of America and Cannabis Global in JOINT Venture.

Marijuana Company of America, Inc. (OTC:MCOA) and Cannabis Global, Inc. (OTC:CBGL) recently entered into an agreement where each became the largest shareholder of the other.

Thus, CBGL owns 650 million shares of MCOA and MCOA owns just over 7.2 million shares of CBGL. The Companies engaged in this transaction to promote the growing common interests and collaborations between these two pioneering cannabis and CBD operations.

Both companies have recently enhanced their programs to maximize shareholder value. MCOA is aggressively overhauling its marketing strategy, rapidly expanding its product line’s geographic reach, and revamping its capital and debt structures. The two companies have agreed to collaborate in several areas, including expanding product offerings in Europe and

Latin America and developing Cannabis Global’s Project Varin designed to discover and market new methods to infuse hemp extracts and cannabis into food, beverages, and other consumer products. Both companies have big plans for 2021. We are thrilled you have chosen to join in our journey to enhance shareholder value as the hemp and cannabis industries move into 2021.

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Cannabis Global (OTC:CBGL): National Market Focus: Cannabis Global is on the move relative to product innovation. The emphasis moving forward for the Company will be to target what will likely be the new National cannabis market as the incoming Biden/Harris administration moves toward nationwide cannabis legalization. National Market for Secure Cannabis Transport: CBGL has acquired Ethos Technology, LLC and its proprietary ultra-secure cannabis transport system. While the California market alone is likely large enough to support a robust market for this innovative product line, CBGL is also eyeing the likely upcoming market for interstate transport of cannabis and the numerous tracking, security, and administrative challenges the market expansion will present. Hemp You Can Feel™ Product Line: The Hemp You Can Feel™ product line is based on one of the most innovative hemp infusion technologies in the marketplace – a unique process where honey bees are provided cannabinoids which the bees use to make a unique non-infused, water-soluble compound, which is used to infuse non-alcoholic cocktail mixers, coffee products and the unique line of organic and artificial sweeteners. Sales of these lines are being driven by the third party platforms, including Amazon, which has accepted several shipments in increasing size. The technology partner for this innovative line is Phyto Pharma, LTD of Israel. National Market for Infusion Technologies – Project Varin: CBGL has made great strides on the intellectual property front, with four provisional and one non-provisional patent filing on new methods to infuse cannabinoids into foods, beverages, and consumer products. CBGL has recently completed product development on what is believed to be the industry’s first food-grade cannabinoid nano formations designed to rewrite the cost and efficiency equation for the coming nationwide cannabinoid infusion marketplace. Cannabis Global expects to soon begin announcing a series of new products based on this innovative platform with additional non-provisional patent filings expected over the coming weeks. While this is only a brief summary of where each Company is moving, rest assured both Companies have established strong plans to keep our investors informed. Investors in MCOA and CBGL can expect robust news flow over the coming months, as these strategies move forward. We encourage you to reach out to us to let us how we are doing or to express any concerns you have. Our management teams look forward to hearing from you. About Marijuana Company of America, Inc. MCOA is a corporation that participates in: (1) product research and development of legal hemp-based consumer products under the brand name

Inspirational Technologies is an Affiliate of HempSmart, a Subsidiary of MCOA

“hempSMART™”, that targets general health and well-being; (2) an affiliate marketing program to promote and sell its legal hemp-based consumer products containing CBD; (3) leasing of real property to separate business entities engaged in the growth and sale of cannabis in those states and jurisdictions where cannabis has been legalized and properly regulated for medicinal and recreational use; and, (4) the expansion of its business into ancillary areas of the legalized cannabis and hemp industry, as the legalized markets and opportunities in this segment mature and develop. About Our hempSMART Products Containing CBD The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not recognized CBD as a safe and effective drug for any indication. Our products containing CBD derived from industrial hemp are not marketed or sold based upon claims that their use is safe and effective treatment for any medical condition as drugs or dietary supplements subject to the FDA’s jurisdiction. Forward Looking Statements This news release contains “forward-looking statements” which are not purely historical and may include any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions regarding the future.

Inspirational Technologies

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Steven Smith, CEO Owner/Founder
Inspirational Technologies
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